Lillehammer Young Leaders Programme

Foto: Alexander Eriksson / LOLSC
Application for the 2025 program is now open. Link to invitation and application form here.
For norske søkerer se invitasjon her.
Lillehammer Young Leaders Programme is our main project for young leaders in sports. Together with the Norwegian participants, we welcome international young leaders from all over the world to take part in the Programme together with us. We strive to facilitate an arena both for academic and social learning and networking amongst the yearly participants. Across borders, young leaders from different sports, backgrounds, and roles exchange thoughts, experiences, impulses, and inspiration! And all of this at the same time as the participants get to see the Olympic legacy in Lillehammer – visiting sporting events, arenas and facilities, the Norwegian Olympic Museum, and other memorable places. For some participants, it is their very first meeting with the cold Norwegian winter season – and snow!
So far, more than 100 participants from 29 different nations have been part of the Lillehammer Young Leaders Programme 2020-2023.
36 participants, both Norwegian and international young leaders, gathered in Lillehammer in February – for this year’s greatest winter adventure! The overarching theme for the programme was “Fair Play” – a theme that is spacious in its diverse angles.
The participants were up for various challenges, both academically and through networking activities. They got to see the Olympic arenas, such as “Lysgårdsbakkene”, “Håkons Hall and Kristins hall” and the Norwegian Olympic Museum, in addition to a guided tour in the streets of Lillehammer city. Amongst other lecturers, the United Nations Association of Norway and the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports brought interesting perspectives on the role of Fair Play in both sports and society.
LYLP 2022/23 was a unique experience for all the involved parts! We are truly looking forward to the next edition!
Fremtidens arrangementsledere
Er du mellom 20-30 år og klar for en spennende utfordring? Vi søker nå unge ledere som vil få unik kompetanse og erfaring. Gjennom dette prosjektet kan du tilegne deg nyttig kunnskap, få muligheten til å bygge et nettverk, og ikke minst ta del i et stort arrangement. Hvem søker vi?
Du er mellom 20-30 år Du ønsker å lære mer om idrett og idrettsarrangementer Du trives med ansvar Du er bosatt eller kommer ifra Innlandet Når?
Prosjektoppstart er i slutten av november Arrangementene arrangeres i perioden januar-juni 2025. Se mer detaljert tidsperiode på den enkelte utyste stilling. Forventet tidsbruk vil variere avhengig av rolle. Dette avklares nærmere i dialog med arrangør. Hva får du?
Spennende og viktige roller i arrangementet med mye ansvar En egen mentor som støtter og veileder deg i rollen du får (Verdi inntil kr 10000) Unik kompetanse, erfaring og nettverk Deltakelse på en to dagers samling sammen med alle prosjektdeltakere på tvers av arrangementene. Egen attest som kan brukes i jobbsammenheng Vil du søke om å delta?
Finn søknadsskjema her Søknadsfrist: 13. november Arrangementer og roller du kan søke på: Bambusacup (Lillehammer) 24-26. januar:
Ansvarlig kampoppsett Administrasjonskoordinator Assisterende dommeransvarlig Assisterende mannskapsansvarlig Assisterende transportansvarlig Assisterende økonomiansvarlig Lotteriansvarlig World Cup Kvitfjell (Fåvang) februar og mars:
Billettansvarlig NK Event Office World Cup Kvitfjell Akkreditering- og Servicedesk VM Skøyter på Hamar 13-16. mars:
Koordinator Hospitality Gardermoen Facility Management - Indre bane Vikingskipet Frivillighetskoordinator SoMe - medansvarlig Birken Ski (Lillehammer) 14-16. mars:
Assisterende arenaleder Birkebeineren Skistadion Assisterende arenaleder Håkons Hall, Kommunikasjonsmedarbeider World Cup Hafjell (Øyer) 15-16. mars:
Billettansvarlig Akkrediteringsansvarlig OBOS Storhamar Cup (Hamar) 23-25. mai:
Arrangementsansvarlig Beach Party Ansvarlig kampoppsett og kampansvarlig Kiosk- og hallansvarlig Matansvarlig Briskebyturneringa (Hamar) 7-8. juni:
Frivilligkoordinator Innkvarteringsansvarlig Leder for kveldsarrangement og premieutdeling Markedsansvarlig SoMe-ansvarlig Birken Løp (Lillehammer) 14. juni:
Assisterende arenaleder Birkebeineren Skistadion Assisterende arenaleder Håkons Hall Kommunikasjonsmedarbeider.
Training Camps
In order to share Norwegian winter sports expertise and to support young athletes from around the world, we organize international training camps targeted to young athletes and their coaches. All training camps are organised in close corporation with the respective National Federation. In addition to the physical training, we also focus on seminars and social activities for both the athletes and the coaches. As a part of the legacy from the Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer 2016, we want the participants to “Meet, learn and share”. We also aim to involve young people from Norway in the camp as “young leaders” to give them valuable experiences in a young international environment.
Read more about our different training camps here: Camps
Olympic & Paralympic Day

In collaboration with the Norwegian Olympic Museum, Lillehammer Olympic Legacy Sports Centre is hosting the international celebration of Olympic & Paralympic Day in Norway!What is Olympic & Paralympic Day?In relevance with our regional Olympic legacy, we are arranging the international celebration of Olympic & Paralympic Day! The goal of the celebration is to unite the community in Lillehammer by engaging in activities related to the three Olympic pillars: “Move, Learn, Discover”.The concept originated in Paris, in 1948 – as a marking of Pierre de Coubertin`s initiative to host the first modern Olympic Games. Activity programIn the open-air museum at Maihaugen, there will be activities designed for the whole family to participate in. Both individual and team activities! In addition, there will be challenges with premiers at the stand.Inside the museum, we are hosting an Olympic quiz. By exploring the museum with all its historical material you will find the answers to the questions – and get to experience the magic inside the walls of the museum. Søk om idrettslagets parapris her
Young leadership

As you may know, the Youth Olympic Games 2016 in Lillehammer was an important measure in order to increase involvement of young people in sport here in Norway, and the event gave young leaders fantastic possibilities to grow and develop as leaders. Two hundred young leaders were trained before the games, not only to offer support as leading volunteers during the YOG, but also to encourage them to pursue careers in sport in the future. We as a legacy-center really believe in young engagement, and we believe that we through our activities also can offer young leader opportunities to learn more about leadership and get more valuable experience.
Young leaders at international training camps
Sharing of winter sport expertise

Lillehammer Olympic Legacy Sports Centre assists visiting event organizers and other visitors that would like to learn more about winter sport itself, the way Lillehammer has been able to host two Olympic Games, and about the Lillehammer Olympic legacy including venues, events and competence. In the last years, we have been working closely with China and Beijing 2022 in order to share our knowledge to the best for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2022.In the last years, more than 50 delegations from sport event organizers around the world have been visiting Lillehammer all coordinated by LOLSC.
Legacy Research Project